Train-the-Trainer Training

The best of breed sales organizations who sustain their sales prowess have several things in common.
First, they are structured in a way that creates clarity across the entire sales cycle as to who owns what. Second, they have a regular cadence of seeking and incorporating external analysis and feedback. Third, they have internal experts who have a vast field experience to help guide, coach and support sales executives. In many cases, these internal experts are also instructors in the company approach to winning business.
While the Train-the-Trainer sequencing and process is straight forward, ensuring you have the right material and metrics in place to measure their effectiveness is not as easy. However, if you have a seasoned internal sales enablement team or deal coaches in place, it is far easier to accomplish.
For example, all Train-the-Trainer Programs for helping to guide work winners must include material that incorporate real life win-loss stories from the organization. It dissects how certain things were handled, the outcomes and why. When we are able to collaborate with internal experts, this process is faster and more efficient due to the expertise already in the organization.
When this type of respected expertise is not available, we work directly with the entire team that touches a deal or account to understand what material is most helpful, why and how it can be structured in light of your client base. As materials are fine-tuned, the process for the train the trainers is see the material being delivered, coach live materials based upon the material, attend the train-the-trainer sessions and then instruct sessions and eventually all sessions.
Developing your internal sales experts into Trainers
True sales transformation must be based upon a proper change management effort that includes your own people taking control of key roles. The two main roles which are critical to long term success are coaching and training.
By helping your team to apply the experience of working on hundreds of deals in your sector they gain an experience that is invaluable to the classroom. This is the basis by which Beacon helps bring them to instructor status in the our materials where they can apply the Beacon framework to deals and accounts in real time.
These are the core principles behind the development of our Train-the-trainer program for your select few. In addition to the obvious cost savings, your organization benefits by creating a sustainable method by which your organization can attack current and future sale challenges.
Train-the-trainer and coaching programs helps to:
- Create sustainable increases in revenue
- Reduce the cost of sale
- Ensure you are consistently differentiating in your market
- Stay abreast of market changes that impact your sector
If you would like more information on how we help your internal experts reach instructor status with our proprietary materials please complete the form below or call 1 833 701 5952.

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