Increase Salesforce effectiveness
If you want to pinpoint your sales ("S"), marketing ("M") or operational ("O") issues, why they exist and how to address them quickly, you have come to the right place.

In our many senior C suite sales, marketing and operations roles, we have developed proprietary SMO audits to health check your organziation. SMO audits take place over 30-90 days to identify the ranges of practices and SOPs that are helping and hurting your organization.  Our feedback is clear, direct and actionable.

Call or Text 1 603 745 8888 for more info.


SMO Audits

We quickly pinpoint sales, marketing and  operational challenges

We provide specific,  actionable recommendations

We provide detailed baseline data and analytical expectations based upon extensive insight into best practices

We provide payback expecatations based upon your specific  organization's competitive landscape

The Beacon Difference

Beacon Worldwide is a global expert in sales, marketing and operational leadership. Our many roles implementing within clients like consulting, technology, health care, legal and sustainability sectors has provided a wealth of insight on what works and what does not and why. In Beacon's 30 years of operation, our differentiation is our ability to quicjly and deeply understand how to evaluate sales, marketing and operational SOPs to identify issuies and what it will take to fix them and the payback that can be expected. Our hands on experience in transforming organizations through our fractional leaderships roles, and sales enablement collaboration has helped clients catapult their revenues. Our approaches also simultaneosuly improves the customer experience and employee satisfaction levels due to our holistic approach. Our proprietary approaches have proven so successful in the services and technology sectors that Beacon's involvement have led to direct infusions of capital for tech start-ups.

Subject matter experts like your SEs are often under utilized and their value to the sales process is immense. We help quickly ensure the entire sales team is on the same page. This can include the ales leadership, your subject matter experts, partners and operatonal support.

Our patented sales skills assessments can be very insightful identifying both knowledge and possible execution gaps of your team so that the most high value trainin and support is provides.

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Sales Consultation

How We Help

Our fractional sales, marketing and operational roles have provided us with extraordinary hands-on implementation insights. Whether it be a sales and operational effectivensss assessment or assuming a senior c-suite role with the team, our insights are clear, direct, actionable and measurable. We can quickly:

- integrate sales and operational strategies

- provide on-site fractional leadership

- create the necessary enablement tactics

- leverage your SE's more effectively


Leverage insights from the direct sales and operations supervision of  small and mid sized companies up to $1.2B in revenue

Super charge your sales enablement team with customer centered deliverables

Gain access to Beacon's global network of relationships to formulate key connections faster.

Sales Optimization

Instant visibility and advice for your sales managers and reps

Customized Sales Training

Live rapid deployment methods

Big Deal Sales Coaching

Instant visibility and advice for your sales managers and reps

Win/Loss Feedback

360 degree loop to create sustainable differentiation

Fractional Sales Leadership

Seasoned sales leadership as needed by your organziation

Train-the-Trainer Training

Build best practices sustainability and lowers sales enablement costs

What Clients Say About Beacon

"Beacon told us we were going to lose the deal so we restructured the approach for downstream opportunities. It was tough to hear but they were right.
We ended up winning a subsequent deal for nearly $2M that we could not have competed in without their strategic, tactical and very practical coaching advice."
SVP Sales – Professional Services Firm

"Following Beacon’s data gathering and optimization analysis, they built and deployed an incredibly impactful playbook in less than 2 weeks. The result on deals was positive and immediate."

 VP of Commercial Banking

"We were losing to a competitor and could not understand why.

Beacon’s win-loss analysis completely changed our strategy to include specific pre-emptive client conversations which were brilliantly arranged and totally disarmed the competitor’s strategy."

Managing Director – Consulting Services

"I have successfully worked with Beacon at four different organizations, growing revenues and successfully getting acquired every time. Their insight and support is relentless."

Chief Executive Officer – Technology
Request a Sales Analysis

Request a Complimentary Sales Consultation

Whether you are a startup looking to “get it right” out of the gate, or a global powerhouse moving towards best practices, we have been there and can help. 

And by quickly applying Beacon's framework to in process deals, our clients tell us the impact starts immediately.

There is no obligation of cost for your intial consultation.

Call or text us at 1-603-745-8888