Sales Engineer Training

Sales Engineer Training can vary widely from one company to the next depending upon the role the systems or sales engineers (“SE”) play within your organization.
First, the SE must be able to interact with any client’s technical staff to help explain the integration of certain capabilities with their environment. This means your SE should have the ability to mitigate any technical fears on the part of the client.
The second responsibility of the SE is to ensure that they have the ability to be a translator. In other words, the SE understands the process by which any technical considerations will help address specific business issues across the client’s organization.
Third, and most importantly, the highest performing SEs will have the ability to help the client’s business decision makers see the personal and business value of their technical capabilities without ever talking technical. This is by far the most important of the three.
Therefore, to conduct effective sales engineer training, it is important to provide customized content that reflects the SEs live scenarios from all three situations. This ensures that the training is of high value, immediately applicable and can be coordinated with the sales representative’s interaction with the client. When your SEs master these three areas, their organizational value skyrockets.
What are the attributes of the best Sales Engineer Training sessions?
The best training for sales engineers is with the sale team not independent of. One of our clients wanted to conduct a training specifically for their sales engineers. We asked them about what they wanted to accomplish and we also spoke with many of the sales people. It was clear there use of the SEs varied widely across the sales reps. One major reason for this was they had never defined the SEs greatest value. Many people think it is their technical knowledge. While that is helpful, one of the greatest contributions of an experienced sales engineer is their ability to translate technical capabilities into business value across nearly any job title. This should then be choregraphed carefully into the sales cycle. In this sales engineer and sales rep training we provided, the impact was additional wins but just as importantly, a major reduction in sales cycle time.
These principles are at the very core of how Beacon develops client’s sales engineer training.

In many cases the Sales Engineer Training focuses on the technical aspects of what the person may be presenting via a demo or some other interaction. While that is important, and the sales engineer should know the technical aspects of their products and services, that is not their most important function.
Sharing Sales Engineers best practices: NOW ALL REMOTE!
Identifying best practices is only the start. The most compelling value is when we worked with clients SE teams to create a reality based and easily customizable training delivery that was incredibly cost effective. Here is what we developed:
A five-webinar series to be delivered at client convenient times over 60 days
SEs bring live opportunities to each session to apply material in real-time
The webinar series covers the entie sales cycle, as well as fatal flaws and where they tend to be encountered by SEs and how to overcome them
It also includes how SE's should validate pre-sales insights and collaborate with clients to create differentiation
Let's get started!
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